Looking at Power Through an Integral Lens

In my previous post, I related the story of something of a power clash I was both privy to and part of. I was attending a religious service where a woman was singled out for not being spiritually powerful enough to take part, even though no men in attendance were questioned in this way. I ended up involving myself in this cultural (?) clash by later questioning the Tibetan Buddhist Lama who’d performed the service. You may read the whole story here . Thinking of this occurrence in terms of a cultural clash is perhaps the most benign way to interpret what happened. A male practitioner of a very patriarchal religious system likely acted precisely as he’d been taught by his teachers from his home country. For my part, I behaved in precisely the way I was taught during my egalitarian Western upbringing. Hence, the clash. Rorschach test inkblot #8 Perhaps we might also consider this conflict through the lens of the developmental model theorized by Ken Wilber in, for instance, Inte...