Dear People of Ukraine

Flag of the nation of Ukraine
Flag of the nation of Ukraine

Dear people of Ukraine, 

You are in my heart. I cannot imagine what it must be like to be so brutally invaded on false pretexts by the Russian military. Reports of your fighting spirit in the face of this illegal aggression bring tears to my eyes. I must admit, however, that I feel guilty cheering you on from my place of safety thousands of miles away. You are the ones risking life and limb in this battle, not me. You are the ones whose lives are now so disrupted, not me. So please know that I support you in your choice to fight or retreat or surrender in the face of an untenable situation as your needs and conscience dictate.

I am sad, too, for the Russian invaders and their families back home. Due to the lies and manipulation of their immoral leaders, they have become murderers. They have brought shame to themselves in the eyes of the world. We in the United States know the reality of such lies and manipulation. Our previous President was a master of such behavior, as you know. It is no wonder that he and the Russian leader have such an affinity for each other.

You and other readers here may wonder what has prompted me to write these words. Well, from the earliest days of this blog, the Ukrainian people have been regular readers. It is a reality that is as delightful to me as it is mysterious. What have I written that so resonates in the hearts/minds of Ukrainians? Will I one day meet some of you while on a book tour in a free and peaceful Kyiv? What a beautiful dream!

Be well. Be strong. Be safe. Know that the hearts/minds of freedom-loving people and nations all over the world are with you.


                    With fondness and best wishes for the future of a free and prosperous Ukraine,




Ukrainian flag image via


Mark Robert Frank


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