A Warm Climate and a Cold, Cold Heart
Some years ago, I was challenged to explain climate change in fewer than 200 words. As both a writer and lover of all life
on this earth I found the challenge intriguing. Here’s what I came up with:
Plants “breathe
in” carbon dioxide and “breathe out” oxygen. The carbon becomes part of the
plant’s new growth and the oxygen benefits animal life as well. Over the course
of millions of years, the accumulation of dead vegetation became the coal, oil,
and natural gas fields that now fuel our modern lifestyle. Burning these
“fossil fuels” takes oxygen out of today’s atmosphere and puts carbon dioxide
back in. In just one hundred years we have largely reversed a natural process
that was millions of years in the making. Carbon dioxide is a “greenhouse gas”.
It traps heat in the atmosphere and causes the earth’s average temperature to
rise. This warming has taken place so quickly that it is disrupting weather
patterns and making storms and droughts more severe. It is changing regional
climates too quickly for plants and animals to adapt and disrupting our ability
to grow food. Furthermore, since carbon dioxide turns into carbonic acid when
it rains the oceans are becoming more acidic, thereby killing off corals and
shellfish – an important part of the food chain. Life as we know it is in danger!
We must stop burning fossil fuels!
What do you think? Did I do the topic justice? I know; it's an immense and difficult subject. What's more difficult to understand, though, is why we can’t seem to muster the
collective will to do something about it. Four reasons do come to mind:
1) Greed 2) Laziness 3) Ideology 4) Compassion
Deficit. Let me address each of these in turn.
Greed – The status quo with respect to power and money is
almost certainly a factor in prompting some to deny that climate change is
real, human-caused, and solvable. We in the West are presently at the top of
the heap, enjoying whatever protection our money can buy. Doesn’t it appear at
times as though we feel entitled to the lion’s share of the world’s resources?
Laziness – We all have a lazy bone or two hidden deep inside
of us, as evidenced by our long, hot showers, our beloved air-conditioning, our
unnecessary automobile travel, and our unnecessary consumption. Change is hard. Our hectic modern lifestyle makes it even more difficult in that we feel
that we lack the time required to make the changes that need to be made.
Ideology – If we acknowledge that climate change is real,
human-caused, and solvable, then we have to do something about it. We’re good
and moral people, after all. We wouldn’t stand by and do nothing if there were
a real problem that needed solving. No, it’s easier to deny that a problem even
exists than to have to entertain solutions that don’t fit into our ideology: government
investment in alternative energy, carbon taxation, industry regulation, global
cooperation, reductions in consumption, etc.
Compassion Deficit – The most egregious example of this compassion deficit is the "we’ll just move to Canada" attitude towards
climate change. Thus, so the thinking goes, even if it turns out that climate change is real, WE
(those of us who presently make use of the lion’s share of the world’s resources) simply
have to move to a place where we can continue doing what we’re doing – the rest
of the world be damned. I suppose the argument could be made that this compassion deficit undergirds the previous three reasons. That being the
case, and given the fact that this is primarily a spiritual blog, let me focus
for the remainder of this post on how compassion, or the lack thereof, impacts
our willingness to do something about climate change.
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These Kiribati children may not yet realize that their Pacific island nation will soon be underwater. |
A Warm Climate and a Cold, Cold Heart
Even if our good neighbor, Canada,
were to welcome all of us displaced Southerners into its newly temperate clime,
consider what that would mean for the rest of the world. It would mean that the
rest of the world had become all but uninhabitable. It would mean that the
increasing average temperature had finally killed off a great many of the now native
plants and that the growing season for many others will have become so
disrupted as to make agriculture as we presently know it exceedingly difficult.
And even if the growing season for some crops were to somehow fit into whatever
regional climate might happen to exist, the lack of groundwater or the
unpredictability of rainfall will have further diminished their yields. Add to
these woes the increased range of what are now considered tropical diseases.
Factor in, as well, the chaotic weather patterns spinning off ever more violent
and deadly storms. And, yes, consider how the decline in global economic
productivity will have left us hard-pressed to find any money or resources
whatsoever to help mitigate these problems – even if we were to somehow find
the will.
Is our individual happiness and
wellbeing really so divorced from that of the plants and animals that we live
with and amongst that we can afford to write them all off, sign their death
sentence, and move on to a more temperate clime? Are our consciences so immune
to guilt that we can leave our more southerly-dwelling brothers and sisters to starve
and drown and die as we, literally or figuratively, pack up the SUV and head
north? Can we really live with ourselves as we watch species after species get
driven into extinction, as the oceans gradually turn into increasingly acidic aquatic
deserts, as the future of even human life becomes bleaker and bleaker?
Merriam-Webster defines a sociopath as “someone who behaves in a
dangerous or violent way towards other people and does not feel guilty about
such behavior.” Are we not presently displaying, on a mass scale, such a
dangerously cavalier attitude towards our fellow humans, and all of life, as to
constitute remorseless violence? Is that harsh? Perhaps. Perhaps not. Maybe our
elected officials are to blame. But, then again, we elect them. Maybe the
corporations are to blame. But, then again, we buy their goods, thereby abdicating
our “power of the purse”. Oh, and we work for them, too, thereby prompting us
to take our blood money and remain silent about the harm that we’re causing.
Maybe our neighbor with the humongous carbon footprint is to blame. But, then
again, how often do we miss our opportunity to show what really responsible
behavior entails?
Do I sound harsh? Yes, I probably
do. I should have a little bit more of the compassion of which I speak. After
all, what can prepare us for the realization that what we are doing is causing
such unprecedented destruction? We have simply been following the course that
generations before us have laid down, and now all of a sudden we are
responsible for all of its ill effects. So let’s have compassion for ourselves
and each other. Let’s have compassion for the earth and every living thing that
calls it home. Let’s have compassion as we make the decision whether or not to
take that drive. Let’s have compassion as we decide whether or not we need that
second car. Let’s have compassion as we decide whether we really need the heat
to be on so high or the air-conditioner on so low. Let’s have compassion as we
decide whether we need all of that stuff that, up until now, we’ve always
thought that we needed. Let’s have compassion as we consider whether or not to
vote for that official who just can’t seem to wrap his or her brain around the fact
of climate change, and the fact that we are causing it, and the fact that we
can do something about it. Yes, let’s have compassion and DO something about
Image Credits
children playing on the main island of Tarawa by Mike Bowers/The Global Mail
Copyright 2014 and 2022 by Mark Frank
My thoughts exactly. This is why you will see me on the streets with my protest sign. Writing one letter after the next. And handing out my little climate change/energy flyer to store clerks and others I meet. The courage that I have is nothing compared to the courage my children will have when they are facing the years of climate change that my generation has laid down. We all must find our own courage and compassion, too.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Juli, for providing such a model of action in the face of adversity! Mark